Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bluuuuunt Cruuuuuisiiiin


Soooo much to catch up on...titles from song btw...very appropriate seeing as tomorrows not really crazy excited cuz i smoked massive amounts of bud over break lol but im still smokin tomorrow haha...anyways, i got my comp fixed, i got a new phone, and i got a system in my car...success to i partied just about every single day over break...not braggin im just sayin...had madd fun hangin out with my friends...

INSIDE have changed so much since my last completely over fuckin gooooood now! im done wastin time thinkin about bitches ill take the ones that come, cuz trippin about one girl who aint worth it is dumb...peeeeeeaceee

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Im Gooood


Haha they unblocked espn at my like to beleive i had somethin to do with that...if i did im the fuckin man...anyway haha im in a good mood today for sum reason...prolly cuz i had a fun ass weekend...saturdays frat party was INSANE...cant wait till the next one...spring breaks comin up i gotta start makin later..stuck in school now...oh well im goooood...


Its crazy how she can go from bitter to sweet in such a short time...we good. no better than usual tho....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fuck Barracuda


Ok so i cant go on because of the fucking web filter at pretty pissed about that...oh well what am i gonna do...its friday and this is really the last place i wanna be right now..i cant wait till later tho! And tomorrow nights gonna be sweet too. Im not in the greatest mood so im plannin on gettin fuuuuucked up this weekend...


Bittersweet...bitter right now though....