Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Long Time Coming
Holy shit its been a while...alot has changed since last time i posted. dont even ask y i decided to do one today..first of all, im graduating high school in one week. that sucks..i know ppl r usually happy for that, but if u think about it theres nothing to be happy about...but that doesnt mean ive been depressed or anything like that...actually, the last couple months have been some of the best in my life. ive been hangin out with ppl that who are my TRUE friends, and they know who they are...lastly, u may notice i dont have a outside and inside section for this post, its because im not doing it like that anymore. im just sayin what it is i gotta far as the crush i had months ago in my previous posts...its as dead as it can be...seriously...lotta shit changed, its all good but im on to a new...till next time, peace...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Bluuuuunt Cruuuuuisiiiin
Soooo much to catch up on...titles from song btw...very appropriate seeing as tomorrows not really crazy excited cuz i smoked massive amounts of bud over break lol but im still smokin tomorrow haha...anyways, i got my comp fixed, i got a new phone, and i got a system in my car...success to i partied just about every single day over break...not braggin im just sayin...had madd fun hangin out with my friends...
INSIDE have changed so much since my last completely over fuckin gooooood now! im done wastin time thinkin about bitches ill take the ones that come, cuz trippin about one girl who aint worth it is dumb...peeeeeeaceee
Soooo much to catch up on...titles from song btw...very appropriate seeing as tomorrows not really crazy excited cuz i smoked massive amounts of bud over break lol but im still smokin tomorrow haha...anyways, i got my comp fixed, i got a new phone, and i got a system in my car...success to i partied just about every single day over break...not braggin im just sayin...had madd fun hangin out with my friends...
INSIDE have changed so much since my last completely over fuckin gooooood now! im done wastin time thinkin about bitches ill take the ones that come, cuz trippin about one girl who aint worth it is dumb...peeeeeeaceee
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Im Gooood
Haha they unblocked espn at my like to beleive i had somethin to do with that...if i did im the fuckin man...anyway haha im in a good mood today for sum reason...prolly cuz i had a fun ass weekend...saturdays frat party was INSANE...cant wait till the next one...spring breaks comin up i gotta start makin later..stuck in school now...oh well im goooood...
Its crazy how she can go from bitter to sweet in such a short time...we good. no better than usual tho....
Haha they unblocked espn at my like to beleive i had somethin to do with that...if i did im the fuckin man...anyway haha im in a good mood today for sum reason...prolly cuz i had a fun ass weekend...saturdays frat party was INSANE...cant wait till the next one...spring breaks comin up i gotta start makin later..stuck in school now...oh well im goooood...
Its crazy how she can go from bitter to sweet in such a short time...we good. no better than usual tho....
Friday, April 3, 2009
Fuck Barracuda
Ok so i cant go on because of the fucking web filter at pretty pissed about that...oh well what am i gonna do...its friday and this is really the last place i wanna be right now..i cant wait till later tho! And tomorrow nights gonna be sweet too. Im not in the greatest mood so im plannin on gettin fuuuuucked up this weekend...
Bittersweet...bitter right now though....
Ok so i cant go on because of the fucking web filter at pretty pissed about that...oh well what am i gonna do...its friday and this is really the last place i wanna be right now..i cant wait till later tho! And tomorrow nights gonna be sweet too. Im not in the greatest mood so im plannin on gettin fuuuuucked up this weekend...
Bittersweet...bitter right now though....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Woooow school is so fuckin boring...the title comes from a crossword puzzle im supposed to be doing on division 3 colleges...who the fuck cares? im pretty stoked its thursday tho, im gettin paid and prolly chillin with kraig and shinobi later. But right now im bored as fuuuuck! And still no plans for the weekend...
Lunch was cool helped me out. Im feelin like i understand shit a little more lately...but i just feel like im at square one now...i dont like bein at square one. Oh well, i usually dont stay there long...ill live...peace
Woooow school is so fuckin boring...the title comes from a crossword puzzle im supposed to be doing on division 3 colleges...who the fuck cares? im pretty stoked its thursday tho, im gettin paid and prolly chillin with kraig and shinobi later. But right now im bored as fuuuuck! And still no plans for the weekend...
Lunch was cool helped me out. Im feelin like i understand shit a little more lately...but i just feel like im at square one now...i dont like bein at square one. Oh well, i usually dont stay there long...ill live...peace
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Feelin Better
Feelin better today...didnt post yesterday but nothin happened except i got a new radiator put in my car(sweet right?)..Back at school today...hope the day goes by quick cuz i hate bein later at 4...should prolly start makin plans for the weekend...
Seen her today for the first time since friday(i think)...its tough u know...cant just get over like that...but i got to! fuck! we'll see what happens from here i guess...peaaace
Feelin better today...didnt post yesterday but nothin happened except i got a new radiator put in my car(sweet right?)..Back at school today...hope the day goes by quick cuz i hate bein later at 4...should prolly start makin plans for the weekend...
Seen her today for the first time since friday(i think)...its tough u know...cant just get over like that...but i got to! fuck! we'll see what happens from here i guess...peaaace
Monday, March 16, 2009
Feel like shit today...just filled out 2 brackets...mich st. and unc...not much goin on, work at 4..
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The title is the song im listenin to(by Drake)..but it makes sense since i been faded all weekend. Last nights party was live except for a kid puking and makin all the girls leave...haha its all good tho. Nothin much goin on...madd tired still, goin to work in 10.
This weekends helpin me. Ill be good soon if i aint already...peace till tomorrow.
The title is the song im listenin to(by Drake)..but it makes sense since i been faded all weekend. Last nights party was live except for a kid puking and makin all the girls leave...haha its all good tho. Nothin much goin on...madd tired still, goin to work in 10.
This weekends helpin me. Ill be good soon if i aint already...peace till tomorrow.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Ok im tired as hell today Last nights party was AWESOME. One of the better parties ive been to. I also managed to catch some of the Syracuse game at the party which was pretty cool. Id love to talk about the party but i got no time i gotta go to work. I barely slept and i had to go to my aunts house at 11. Point is, im tired as fuck. Another party tonight after work, should be fun...i might pass out at the bp table tho cuz im gonna be dead...haha
I had an interesting/confusing conversation last night with a close friend of mine. Didnt know where it came from truthfully, and it got me thinkin about a lot of shit...problem is, i havent had much time to think about it so ill try more at work...cant say much more bout it...peace till next time...
Ok im tired as hell today Last nights party was AWESOME. One of the better parties ive been to. I also managed to catch some of the Syracuse game at the party which was pretty cool. Id love to talk about the party but i got no time i gotta go to work. I barely slept and i had to go to my aunts house at 11. Point is, im tired as fuck. Another party tonight after work, should be fun...i might pass out at the bp table tho cuz im gonna be dead...haha
I had an interesting/confusing conversation last night with a close friend of mine. Didnt know where it came from truthfully, and it got me thinkin about a lot of shit...problem is, i havent had much time to think about it so ill try more at work...cant say much more bout it...peace till next time...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Go Orange
Ok im sitting here in a study hall and this is really makin time fly so its cool. I wanna start off by mentioning that i witnessed the greatest college basketball game ever (my opinion) last night between Syracuse and UConn. 6 overtimes and Syracuse won. Fuckin insane game. Im wearing my Eric Devendorf jersey proudly today, and have got nothing but compliments. This actually leads me to the next thing i wanted to talk about. Tonight Syracuse plays in the semifinals of the Big East tournament, but theres like 3 parties im supposed to go to tonight. I mean i love parties, but i feel like after staying up till 1:30 on a school night to watch a 6 overtime game, im obligated to watch the rest of the tournament. Ill figure sumthin out dont worry haha. Besides that nothin else really goin on..except more partyin Saturday night...
Ok here we go i want sure how i wanted to do this part, but im gonna just do it. Just a heads up, this section will almost always be about my girl problems..or not problems haha w/e. Right now, im just comin off a crush i guess. Idk if im really off yet, but my brains tellin me to get off. Its hard cuz this isnt just like a crush i had for a week know what i mean? So i guess right now im headin back into the mode where ill just take whatever comes now, and might even try to go outta my way haha but we'll see...
Ok im sitting here in a study hall and this is really makin time fly so its cool. I wanna start off by mentioning that i witnessed the greatest college basketball game ever (my opinion) last night between Syracuse and UConn. 6 overtimes and Syracuse won. Fuckin insane game. Im wearing my Eric Devendorf jersey proudly today, and have got nothing but compliments. This actually leads me to the next thing i wanted to talk about. Tonight Syracuse plays in the semifinals of the Big East tournament, but theres like 3 parties im supposed to go to tonight. I mean i love parties, but i feel like after staying up till 1:30 on a school night to watch a 6 overtime game, im obligated to watch the rest of the tournament. Ill figure sumthin out dont worry haha. Besides that nothin else really goin on..except more partyin Saturday night...
Ok here we go i want sure how i wanted to do this part, but im gonna just do it. Just a heads up, this section will almost always be about my girl problems..or not problems haha w/e. Right now, im just comin off a crush i guess. Idk if im really off yet, but my brains tellin me to get off. Its hard cuz this isnt just like a crush i had for a week know what i mean? So i guess right now im headin back into the mode where ill just take whatever comes now, and might even try to go outta my way haha but we'll see...
First Post
This is my first post in a blog ever. The reason im doing this is because im sick of myspace and facebook and besides that, the only thing i do on the internet is look for music and check sports stuff so im tryin sumthin new. I think blogs are good ways of lettin out sum emotion or feelings that u might not have any other way of lettin out...that sounds like sumthin a girl or fag would say, but im neither so fuck it. Ok one more thing before i get started, the way im goin to do this is im going to break every post into 2 sections...Outside and Inside. In the outside part, ill talk about the things going on in my life that people around me knows is going on and that are usually everday things for alot of people. The inside part will be a little more interesting. This is going to be about things that are going on in my life that have never left my mouth. In other words, only i know about these things, and this will be my way of sharing it since im to much of a bitch to talk about it with other people. The only catch is that i will not use peoples names and i will not get into very specific details most of the time. Ok im about to do my first real post, hate it or love it, idgaf.
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